

Our Respeak Chunx Engine is used across industries and drives efficiency improvements!

Our Respeak Chunx Engine is used across industries and drives efficiency improvements!

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Whether it’s tables, charts, or other complex documents: Our Respeak Chunx Engine is designed for this and also answers complex questions: perfect for Technical Service, Customer Support, or when experienced colleagues are retired!

Whether it’s tables, charts, or other complex documents: Our Respeak Chunx Engine is designed for this and also answers complex questions: perfect for Technical Service, Customer Support, or when experienced colleagues are retired!

Construction industry

Construction industry

Guidelines, regulations, standards, and procurement documents are part of everyday life in construction planning - just like the annoying searching and referencing! Respeak reduces these research times to seconds and guarantees accurate results!

Guidelines, regulations, standards, and procurement documents are part of everyday life in construction planning - just like the annoying searching and referencing! Respeak reduces these research times to seconds and guarantees accurate results!

Human Resources

Human Resources

In organizational matters, we create double time savings: both for the employees who receive a quick response and for their HR contacts!

In organizational matters, we create double time savings: both for the employees who receive a quick response and for their HR contacts!



We are eliminating bureaucracy together - let AI work for you at last!

Research activities, checking applications, or filling out forms - all of that can be done by our AI today!

We are eliminating bureaucracy together - let AI work for you at last!

Research activities, checking applications, or filling out forms - all of that can be done by our AI today!

© 2024 Respeak GmbH | Made with ♥️ in Karlsruhe!

© 2024 Respeak GmbH | Made with ♥️ in Karlsruhe!

© 2024 Respeak GmbH | Made with ♥️ in Karlsruhe!