AI for your field workforce

The Respeak platform gives your maintenance and operations workforce the relevant information at the right time from technical manuals, guidelines, and co. Give your field workers the modern workplace they deserve.

Die Hauptansicht der Respeak Experten Plattform. Stelle Fragen zu technischen Dokumenten und erhalte Antworten in sekundenschnelle.

Information lost in your internal documents, process documentation, and manuals again?

Give your employees access to the knowledge they need, simply by asking.

Our conversational AI answers questions in a web-based chat interface - based on already existing material and documents in your organization. Enable your employees to get the right information at the right time.

Knowledge at your fingertips

Finding the right knowledge at the right time is frustrating, and time-consuming.


Respeak's flexible and easy-to-setup digital experts can answer questions in natural language - or educate employees on new topics. Here's how we do it:

Complex technical manuals and guidelines?

We've got you covered. Just ask your question and get the right information in seconds. From text, tables, and images.

Beispielvideo, dass zeigt, wie die Respeak Plattform in Sekunden technische Fragen zum barrierefreien Gebäudebau beantwortet.

Respeak and TATORT -
How it all fits together..

Excellent indeed! We present our chatbot engine in SWR's latest crime scene game. 


The new chat-based game is an offer to anyone who wants to go in search of the perpetrator and solve crisp puzzles. Players find themselves in the middle of a murder investigation and take on the task of solving a complex case in dialogue with the detectives.

Thinking of a use case already?

Get in touch without any obligation. We will be happy to take a look at your case and develop a concept for the targeted use of our system. 

But how does it work?

Our AI turns your documents into a dynamic knowledge base.

The system then uses these items to look for relevant bits of information and construct a precise answer in natural language.

And there's more!

Create unique and interactive learning experiences for your employees or customers.

Answering questions is only one side of the coin. With Respeak Tutors, we provide essential meta-knowledge that enables employees to take active roles and shape the digitalization at your company.

The look and feel: Our web3 dialog

Break down barriers to learning by building on an established interaction

Our learning dialogs use the most common form of interaction of the last decade: chat. Our dialogs can transform your learning material from mere consumption to a self-directed experience.

A little deep-dive

Our features

Our technology is based on more than 3 years of research in the areas of operational learning, human-machine interaction and AI at the renowned Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). During this time, we have published over 20 papers in international journals and conferences.

Automated generation

Respeak experts process existing content automatically

Easy customization

Easily customize experts and learning tutors on the fly - without interruption and without coding

Comprehensive analysis

Quickly see at a glance which questions come up frequently and which topics may still be missing content

Easy access

As a WebApp, our system can be used anywhere, from desktop to mobile device. Distribute dialogs as a link, QR code or widget on your web pages

Versatile application

Respeak's dialogs can answer questions, educate as a digital tutor or even conduct interactive surveys


What do our clients say?

Close contact with our customers is important to us in order to find the ideal solution together. We act quickly and go the extra mile. We are looking forward to convince you of us!

Sebastian Demuth
Sebastian DemuthInnovation Manager SWR X Lab
"[With Respeak] we were able to create a unique game experience that feels like a free-text chat with a human."
Dr. Maximilian Bock
Dr. Maximilian BockInvestment Manager HTGF
Respeak has helped us get meaningful insights from our founders without any additional effort. We particularly liked the intuitive user interface and the automated presentation of results for targeted sharing within the team


Start directly with your existing content.

Mehr von Respeak gibt es ganz bald hier.

Bleib mit unserem Blog auf dem Laufenden. Hier sammeln wir ab sofort Inhalte zu Trends im betrieblichen Lernen, Neuigkeiten die uns bei KI inspirieren oder Updates zu uns.

Chatbot-Konfiguratoren im Vergleich

Chatbot-Konfiguratoren im Vergleich: Respeak, Chatbot und Landbot   Es gibt mittlerweile viele gute Anbieter für Chatbots, aber Chatbot ist sicherlich nicht gleich Chatbot. Je nach Use Case, gewünschtem Funktionsumfang und Support unterscheiden sich die Anbieter hier ordentlich.    Genau deshalb hilft der Vergleich insbesondere der jeweiligen Konfiguratoren der Anbieter. Chatbots.

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Standing on the shoulders of giants

„Standing on the shoulders of giants“ is a concept that’s essential to the startup world 🚀   The metaphor itself is age-old (dating back to the 12th century), and can be translated to „make use of what came before you“. This can mean ideas, companies, failures, successes, learnings, …  .

Zum Artikel

Our Team:

We are a diverse team of HCI, AI and NLP experts and together we make new knowledge accessible using natural language!

Tim Rietz

Laura Kienzle

Frederic Abraham

Elif Gömleksiz

Hamdy Sarhan

Melis Lekesiz

Are you interested or do you have any questions?

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